CSX Railroad Track Lowering

Bracks Construction was the primary operator on a project to lower 1,900 LF of CSX railroad track, to allow for taller and double stacked rail cars to fit under a bridge. The project entailed cutting back the 30 FT tall adjacent banks to a 1 to 1 slope, to accommodate the lower tracks. It also […]
PA Constitution Center, Tour Bus Parking Facility

Bracks Construction’s team is experience in executing earthwork, retaining walls, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and domestic water networks. Our experienced team has also performed quality work on the installation of sidewalks, curbs, and paving to ensure ADA compliance.
Brewerytown Square

Bracks Construction was contracted to perform the following tasks: Excavation, backfill and installation of foundations and slabs for 144 houses. Concrete installation of all driveways, site and city curbs, site and city sidewalks and retaining walls. Installed all dry utilities (gas, electric, and communications). Installed site paving (base course).